Dogs & Storks®

Dogs & Storks® is an internationally renowned program that provides positive, practical and fun solutions to challenges that often arise when a family with a dog adds a new baby to the household.

Having a baby is a life changing experience for everyone involved, including the family dog. If your dog has never spent significant time around babies, toddlers or young children, don’t wait until your baby comes home to discover potential problems. Preparing ahead will decrease stress and increase success!

Dogs & Storks® fills in the gaps left uncovered by obedience training and childbirth education classes.

Dogs & Storks® Seminar

The Dogs & Storks® online seminar will answer the most commonly asked questions and provide insights on dog behaviour to help you feel more confident and less stressed. This online seminar covers:

  • Preparing your dog before the baby arrives

  • Introducing your dog after the baby arrives

  • Reading your dog’s body language and recognising signs of stress

  • Sleeping arrangements

  • The five types of supervision

  • Success stations

  • And much more!

Time is allocated at the end of the seminar to ask questions pertaining to your dog and family situation!

Booking information

The registration fee of $70 not only grants you access to an insightful 1.5-hour private seminar but also includes comprehensive Dogs & Storks® handouts to reinforce the learning experience.

If you have friends or family who are expecting and wish to enroll in the program alongside you then everyone enjoys a 10% discount! Share the experience, share the knowledge, and embark on this adventure together.

Please contact if you wish to add friends or family to your booking.