Terms & Conditions

Please contact me with any questions BEFORE submitting payment for class or booking an appointment.

1. General

We train using positive methods only. Owners that use harsh methods or punishment-based training may be asked to discontinue training with us.

Any instructions given to you by the instructors/assistants must be strictly adhered to.

Paws & Reward reserves the right to refer any cases to another trainer that may be better placed to serve your needs.

While all due care and caution are exercised during the training class, Paws & Reward is not liable for any injury or damage that the dog, yourself, or anyone that accompanies you may suffer or incur.   

Paws & Reward is not responsible for damages or any costs arising out of such damage that any person or dog causes whilst training; the responsibility lies with the owner of the dog causing the damage or the person responsible for causing the damage.

As with any training program, end results and progress made is dependent upon you as the owner following the advice and methods given to you by the instructor. No method is guaranteed. Results will vary depending on owner commitment, consistency of training, and the degree of the problem/issue.

All information provided to you in sessions, including handouts and reports, are copyrighted to Paws & Reward. Any public sharing of information received must be given consent by me prior to sharing. Written consent can be received by contacting me at pawsandrewardaustralia@gmail.com

2. Travel fee information

A travel fee will apply for any consults further than 20 kms from Blackwood Uniting Church. This will be charged at $1 per additional kilometer each way.

3. Additional time during consults

Some consults will require additional time, for example due to the challenges we are addressing or the number of dogs and/or people in the house. This might not be known until the consult has commenced. If the consult needs to be extended, I will endeavor to inform you of any additional fees. However, this might not always be possible or suitable depending on the circumstances. Time allowed for an initial consult is up to 1.5 hours and for a revisit up to 1 hour. Additional time will be charged at $20 per additional 15 minutes of consult time.

4. Requirements for group classes

By submitting payment, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. A full refund, minus a $10 administration fee, will be given if I receive email notification no later than seven days before commencement of Week 1. No refund is applicable after this. You might be able to transfer the fee paid for a course to use for a private consult if I believe your dog is too anxious or stressed to attend classes.

  2. All prices listed are inclusive of GST. Prices are subject to change at any time.

  3. Your payment holds your spot, and prevents others from registering. Prior to payment, ensure that the classes work with your schedule and that you are able to attend.

  4. Waiver, Assumption of Risk and Hold Harmless Agreement

    I understand that attendance at a dog training class of any kind is not without risk to myself, members of my family, guests who may attend, or my dog.

    I agree that I will abide by all safety rules and requests provided by Paws & Reward employees and representatives. I hereby waive all claims for damages, losses, or injury, which I, my dog, or my guests may suffer in connection with my attendance or participation in training sessions. This includes, but is not limited to, any injury or damage resulting from the action of any dog.

    I expressly assume the risk of such damage or injury when attending any Paws & Reward training sessions, whether on the training grounds or the surrounding area thereto.

    I understand that the handler of a dog is responsible for controlling the dog at all times during the training session.

    A dog and handler may be removed from class at the instructor’s discretion should the handler be unable to control the dog and/or the instructor deems there to be a safety risk to the other participants. There are no refunds or credits of fees after the class has been paid for.

  5. Requirements:

    At least one person of 18+ years must be in attendance and in control of the dog at all times.

    Children are very welcome to come along to the class! However, there are important safety considerations that must be adhered to for the benefit of your children, other clients and the dogs in class:

    • Children under the age of 8 must have a second adult attend to assist with supervision. If this is not possible, please contact me to discuss options.

    • For their safety, please ensure that your child(ren) do not wander around unattended during class.

    Please wear comfortable clothing and footwear. No backless shoes, flip flops, or heels.

    Arrive to class 5 minutes early.

    Turn off cell phones, or put on silent. If you must take a call during class, please leave the training area to do so.

  6. Cancellations

    Cancellations may occur due to inclement weather, instructor illness, or other emergencies. You will be notified of the cancellation, so please be sure I have current contact information. When a cancellation occurs, your course will be extended.

  7. Conduct

    Please note that I do not allow the use of punishment or force during training sessions. I am happy to help you to manage/change undesired behaviours while attending my classes or events.

    I reserve the right to remove a student, WITHOUT REFUND, from the facility for inappropriate behaviour toward dogs, other students, and/or staff.

  8. Low Enrollment Policy

    All group classes require a minimum of 3 dogs for the class to take place. In the case of low enrollment, you will be contacted by phone or email at least 2 days prior to the first class. At that time you will be offered a full refund, or the opportunity to transfer to another class.

  9. What to bring to class

     A healthy dog

    Health Requirements for all dogs attending the Paws & Reward’s training classes:

    Dogs must be healthy, alert, and free from parasites and contagious diseases.

    If your dog is sneezing, coughing, has diarrhea, or is otherwise ill, leave them at home. You are welcome to come to class to see what we’re doing for the week.


    The proper equipment

    Bring your dog on a properly fitted flat buckle collar or harness, and a 4 to 6 foot leash (no flexi-leads, or chain leads, please).

    No prong collars, choke collars, spray collars, or electric collars are permitted at the facility, or on the grounds. If you feel you require these tools to control your dog, please contact me before class, so I may assist you with equipment options.


    Food rewards

    Bring a variety of high value treats precut into pea sized pieces. Soft treats are best, as they can be swallowed quickly without much chewing. Some good choices are cooked leftovers (chicken, beef or pork), hotdogs, lunch meat, cheese, freeze dried liver, or food rolls (such as Rollover or Natural Balance). You can also use commercial treats, but be sure they’re nutritious, and not high in sugar.


    Your dog’s regular kibble likely won’t be tempting enough for the distraction of class. Later, when your dog is more experienced, you can use their meals for training.  You may also use their kibble at home as a reward.

    Bring more food than you think you’ll need, as your dog is new to learning and will be distracted.


    A hungry dog

    Dogs respond better to training if they are a little bit hungry. Please don’t feed your dog immediately before class.


    A mat

    Please bring a mat if your dog does not like to lay on hard surfaces. This can help your dog relax and have a “spot.”  A bath mat or kitchen mat are good options.


    Vaccination records

    All dogs must be up to date on their vaccinations. Please bring vaccination records to the first class.  You may also send a photo of records.